“I am with you always until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Our faith should correspond to God’s faithfulness and veracity. Our obedience should also correspond to His authority. Our hope is to possess God as He possesses us. The words of a father are always precious since we must believe someone who speaks out of love. A father’s love is nothing when compared with the love of God. God became human in the form of Jesus, who also spoke and left us a testament: “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Whoever directs their lives toward unity has understood the heart of God. In “Essential Writings,” Chiara Lubich says we are all brothers and sisters in this world, yet we pass by each other as if we were strangers. And this happens even among baptized Christians. The Communion of Saints, the Mystical Body, exists. But this Body is like a network of darkened tunnels. The power to illuminate them exists; in many individuals, there is a life of grace, but Jesus did not want only this when he turned to the Father, calling upon him. He wanted heaven on earth: the unity of all with God and with one another; the network of tunnels to be illuminated; the presence of Jesus to be in every relationship with others, as well as in the soul of each. This is his final testament, the most precious desire of God, who gave his life for us.

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