Our Gospel verse brings forth a warning of hatred in the world for believers. Jesus told the apostles, “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Fr. Rolheiser says, “We know this works for love, but does it also work for hatred? Can someone’s hatred follow us, even into eternity? That is not an easy question. Leo Tolstoy once said: “There is only one way to put an end to evil, and that is to do good for evil.” We see that in Jesus. Some hated him, and he died like that. However, that hatred lost its power over him because he refused to respond in kind. Rather, he returned love for hatred, understanding for misunderstanding, blessing for curse, graciousness for resentment, fidelity for rejection, and forgiveness for murder.” The choice is ours. Another person’s hatred holds us, but only if we meet it on its terms, hatred for hatred. We cannot make someone stop hating us, but we can refuse to hate them, and, at that moment, hatred loses its power to bind and punish us. Granted, this isn’t easy, certainly not emotionally. Hatred tends to have a sick, devilish grip on us, paralyzing in us the very strength we need to let it go. In that case, there’s still another salvific thing remaining. God can do things we cannot do for ourselves. Remember, we “can do all things in God who strengthens” us.