“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see” Luke 10:23

Can you imagine how amazed the disciples must have felt? They had just returned from one of their first mission trips, where they had seen people healed and spiritual oppression lifted. And yet Jesus challenged them to look past the immediate circumstances of what had happened so that they could grasp a bigger vision. It was not only about their success; it was about the kingdom of heaven. People had been longing to see these things for hundreds of years—they were witnesses to history! So, let’s take a look at some of the blessings that Jesus wants to tell us about.

  • Blessed are your eyes because you have seen me in the quiet place of prayer. You have come to know me through the Scriptures. You have looked on the Host at Mass with eyes of faith and seen me, your Redeemer, ready to feed and nourish you. You have seen me change your heart.
  • Blessed are your eyes because you have seen me work in the lives of people you love. I have brought family members back to me; I have healed wounded relationships and brought peace to the anxious; I have knit people together in love. I have manifested myself to your loved ones in big and small ways.
  • Blessed are your eyes because you have seen me in the faces of those in need. You have seen me weeping for the abused and neglected. You have seen my image stamped on every human life, even those whom you don’t like. You have seen me in the people—including yourself—who care for the lost and suffering.
  • Blessed are your eyes because you have seen the impossible. You have seen hearts transformed, drastic situations resolved, and mourning turned into dancing. You know in your heart that my Holy Spirit is at work bringing new life and renewal.

    Jesus wants to expand our vision so that we can look past our immediate circumstances and see how much more he is doing in our lives and in the world around us.

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