Most young people look forward to being older but not being old. No one wants to get old, but it happens to us all, whether we like it or not (trust me, I know). And the Bible has a lot of wisdom to offer on the matter of growing old. Solomon tells us that this is the mistake many people make. You need to remember God now while you’re young. The signs of old age are an unwillingness to change. You get used to a certain way of doing something, and it just stays that way. Let’s remember that initially, Solomon loved God. He was the son of David and the builder of the temple. He asked for wisdom above any other gift. Eventually, however, he got off track and refused to remember his Creator as in the days of his youth. Gradually, over time, he made little compromises that became bigger ones that ultimately caused disaster. In our youth, we are often oblivious to the reality that there is a day coming when we will have to pay for ourselves for things such as rent, food, car, phone and internet bills, and a hundred other things. In our youth, we’re thinking about what to do with our spare time. Later in life, we tend to think about things we would have liked to do but have neither the time nor the money. Lastly, Solomon’s wisdom tells us that we have no guarantee of growing older. So, choose to live life to its fullest by centering your life on God’s teachings and trying your best to live them out. Procrastination is not your friend. Christ told us that “whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” So, choose today to live your life for the Lord, not the world.