Today, we celebrate the Apostle Saint Bartholomew. He is mentioned only in the lists of the apostles. Some scholars identify him with Nathanael, a man of Cana in Galilee who was summoned to Jesus by Philip. So, is it Bartholomew or Nathanael? We are confronted again with the fact that we know almost nothing about most of the apostles. John writes that when Nathanael asked how Jesus knew him, Jesus said, “I saw you under the fig tree.” Whatever amazing revelation this involved, it brought Nathanael to exclaim, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” Jesus countered, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” Nathanael did see greater things. He was one of those to whom Jesus appeared on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias after his resurrection. Little is known about the life stories of most of the apostles. However, the unknown ones were also foundation stones, the 12 pillars of the new Israel, whose 12 tribes now encompass the whole earth. Their personalities were secondary to their great office of bearing tradition from their firsthand experience, speaking in the name of Jesus, and putting the Word Made Flesh into human words for the enlightenment of the world. Their holiness was not an introverted contemplation of their status before God. It was a gift that they had to share with others. The Good News was that all are called to the holiness of being Christ’s members by the gracious gift of God. The simple fact is that humanity is meaningless unless God is its total concern. Then humanity, made holy with God’s holiness, becomes the most precious creation of God.