Fr. Ron Rolheiser beautifully articulates that the word of God is not a baton, passed on in a relay race. Nor is it a deposit of faith, a treasure chest of truths handed down from one generation to the next. The word of God is something to be eaten, digested, and given flesh to. As we read it, we use both eyes: With one eye we scan the bible, with the other we examine what the flesh that has been influenced by it looks like. We are the flesh that lives out the word of God. Each bible has a blank page at the end. This is for each of us to write our own “lived” gospel. We can note the incidents, relationships, bad times, and good in our lives where Jesus was close, active, saving us, calling us, and challenging us into discipleship. Can you note where you fell in love with Jesus and when your life with him began? Where is Jesus now writing his gospel in your life so that others will know his love, his call, and his identity? These are not just good pointers for prayer but a personal invitation for you to reflect on your own journey with Jesus. Even as John concludes his gospel today, he shows a sense that Jesus’ works were so numerous that numerous books might be written. Do you give thanks for the hidden and evident ways in which Jesus’ words have come to life in your life? We are the expression and example of Jesus’ written gospel. We are a walking testament of God’s loving presence and action in our life that is an example for all to see and imitate. Believe it – Own it – Live it. God is love—pass it on!