To whom shall we go? Peter asks. In other words, “Who else will instruct us the way you do?” Or, “To whom shall we go to find anything better?” You have the words of eternal life, not hard words, as those other disciples say, but words that will bring us to the loftiest goal, unceasing, endless life removed from all corruption. The Church, down through the ages to the present day, has stood with Peter. Jesus is not one interesting teacher among many; he is the only one, the one with the words of eternal life, indeed, the Holy One of God. And he comes to us through the flesh and blood of the Eucharist. St. Cyril of Alexandria writes that these words surely make quite apparent to us the necessity of sitting at the feet of Christ, taking him as our one and only teacher, and giving him our constant and undivided attention. “He must be our guide who knows well how to lead us to everlasting life. Thus, shall we ascend to the divine court of heaven and, entering the church of the firstborn, delight in blessings passing all human understanding. But accompanying the Savior Christ and following him is by no means to be thought of as something done by the body. It is accomplished rather by deeds springing from virtue. Upon such virtue, the wisest disciples firmly fixed their minds and refused to depart with the unbelievers, which they saw would be fatal. With good reason, they cried out, ‘Where can we go?’ It was as though they said: ‘We will stay with you always and hold fast to your commandments. We will receive your words without finding fault or thinking you are teaching hard as the ignorant do, but thinking rather, how sweet are your words to my throat! Sweeter to my mouth are they than honey or the honeycomb.'” If we are aligned with Love, if the Bread is true, if the “flesh” and Blood are nourishment, then life flows in us. We have come not only to believe but to know, and we stay because eternal life is flowing.