The Gospel passage for Monday in the Octave of Easter tells of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary’s encounter with the risen Jesus and the joy and hope that comes with the Resurrection. The women’s fear and confusion are replaced by a profound sense of awe and worship when they see Jesus alive again. Jesus’ words of comfort and reassurance, “Do not be afraid,” remind us that He is with us always, even in our most challenging and frightening moments. The passage also reveals the lengths to which the religious leaders went to deny the Resurrection. The chief priests’ decision to bribe the guards to lie about Jesus’ body being stolen demonstrates their desperation to maintain their power and authority, even if it meant denying the truth of Jesus’ Resurrection. The first reading from Acts today also highlights the theme of witnessing to the truth of Jesus’ Resurrection. Peter boldly proclaims the message of the Gospel, declaring that Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God and that he and the other apostles are witnesses to this truth. This theme of witnessing to the truth is central to our Christian faith and is a call for all believers to share the good news of Jesus with others. At times, witnessing to the truth can be challenging, especially in a world that often rejects the message of the Gospel. However, we can draw inspiration from Peter and the other apostles, who were empowered by the Holy Spirit to boldly proclaim the truth of Jesus, even in the face of persecution and opposition.