We are called as Christians to have a servant’s heart. St. Josemaría Escrivá, in his book “Friends of God,” writes that it is a mystery of God’s plans that he, who is all, who has all, and who needs nothing and nobody, should choose to need our help to ensure that his teaching and the salvation wrought by him reaches all men. To follow Christ is the secret. We must accompany him so closely that we come to live with him as the first Twelve did. So closely that we became identified with him. Soon, we will be able to say, provided we have not put obstacles in the way of grace that we have put on and have clothed ourselves with our Lord Jesus Christ. I have distinguished it as four stages in our effort to identify ourselves with Christ: seeking him, finding him, getting to know him, and loving him. It may seem clear to you that you are only at the first stage. Seek him then, hungrily seek him within yourselves with all your strength. If you act with determination, I am ready to guarantee that you have already found him and have begun to get to know him and to love him and to hold your conversation in heaven. Fr. Anthony Oelrich asks, “What does it look like outwardly when the law of the Lord is written upon one’s heart?” Not surprisingly, Jesus provides us a picture of such a heart in today’s Gospel. He shows himself to be acutely aware of what is being asked of him by the God he has called Father. He knows that the time will come when he will be asked to offer, not simply words of instruction, but words of flesh and blood. Though Jesus is certainly troubled, the law written on his heart overcomes the anxiety of his emotions, allowing him to say, “Father, glorify your name.” The heart-written law is the interior movement to offer one’s whole self in loving adoration and service to the God of heaven and earth. Despite natural aversions and very real fears, the heart-written law pushes outward and upward always to give all things to God. The heart-written law is the Law of the Gift. What makes this law so natural, not simply written on stone tablets but in our very fleshy hearts, is that it is just what we were made for. The reason we are all drawn to Jesus lifted up on the cross is that to give ourselves in love as gift for others is what our hearts long for. You see, there it is, written right in there, in the heart.