“So shall my word be . . . It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Fr. George Maloney writes that Christ has called Christians to see him everywhere as the light of God’s loving presence. We have been made in His image and likeness to grasp boldly the sun in all its brightness so that we may image his light fully to the world. We become God’s creative power as His word tumbles forth from the lips of the Almighty. That word, spoken in the flowers, the trees, birds, animals, the beauties of each new season, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, lakes, and oceans, goes forth. Archbishop Oscar Romero notes that it is very easy to be a servant of the word without disturbing the world by using words that can sound in any part of the world because they belong to no part of the world. A word like that creates no problems and starts no conflicts. What starts conflicts and persecutions, what marks the genuine church, is the word that burning like the word of the prophets proclaims and accuses: declares to the people God’s wonders to be believed and venerated, and accuses of sin those who oppose God’s reign, so that they may tear that sin out of their hearts, out of their societies, out of their laws—out of the structures that oppress, that imprison, that violate the rights of God and humanity. This is the hard service of the word. But God’s Spirit goes with the prophet, with the preacher, for he is Christ, who keeps on proclaiming his reign to the people of all times. Nothing exists or moves toward perfection except by God’s creative power immanently present in all things. “In God, we live, move, and have our being.”

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