Father Patrick van der Vorst reflects on this day when we celebrate the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul. He writes that it ties in beautifully with the reading for today, especially where the disciples are being sent out to proclaim the Good News from village to village. That is what the Saint Vincent de Paul Societies (SVP) are doing worldwide, in over 86 countries, proclaiming the Good News and providing love and care for the least among us all. Saint Vincent (1581-1660) was a very prolific writer. He wrote over 30,000 letters in his lifetime. Until 1645, he wrote the letters himself; during the last 15 years of his life, he dictated them. By the 18th century, 7,000 letters had already been published. The contents range from the very mundane, where Vincent shares that he has nothing to write and say, to very strongly worded letters in opposition to Jansenism, a then-popular movement on the rise throughout Europe. However, the bulk of his letters were written as beautiful Christian messages of charity, hope, and love. I share a picture of Saint Vincent’s letter on 7 July 1648. While it is always lovely to see the handwriting of the saints, it is mainly how he signs off (below his name), which is beautiful. He writes: ‘Vincens Depaul, Unworthy priest of the Mission.’ To all the Vincentian missionaries, Daughters of Charity, and lay Vincentians worldwide, a very happy Feast day. Saint Vincent, pray for us.