Fr. Eric Hollas writes of the sometimes confusing speech of Jesus, who seems to speak in riddles. It’s a small wonder the disciples occasionally asked for clarification. In today’s Gospel, Jesus went one step further, and his words seem to defy any convention of fair play. Where’s the justice in taking from those who have little and giving to those who have much? Jesus is not speaking in economic terms, nor is he talking about justice. Light shared or hidden was the topic of his lesson, and that has little to do with how many gifts we have and everything to do with whether we use our gifts. Those who hear the word must become a light to others, for even the kingdom’s mysteries made known to the disciples must come to light. Jesus told us that he is “the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” We know that even the smallest amount of light can dispel the darkness. Your light brings Christ’s light into the darkest of lives to show them the path to peace, hope, and love.