Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Matthew, and his laconic account details the transition from spiritual death to spiritual life. What was going through Matthew’s head when Jesus passed by, noticed him, and said, “Follow me”? As a tax collector, Matthew would have been held at arm’s length by his family and despised by his neighbors. His co-workers had a reputation for coming up with scams to line their own pockets, and Matthew might have done the same thing himself. But then Jesus arrives and offers his invitation, and Matthew follows. The next thing we hear, they are having a meal together with a host of other people like him! Jesus was compassionate. He saw who had been left out and rejected. He let them know that he wanted to be with them. It’s a simple but powerful message: “I want to know you. I’m happy to spend time with you. Let’s have dinner.” This affirmation can change lives. Think of all the people who were touched by Jesus’ genuine compassion. At least two were publicly known to have committed adultery: the woman at the well, who came at the hottest part of the day to avoid the gossip of the village’s wives, and the woman he saves from being stoned to death. Both were living with shame and rejection before Jesus approached them. Jesus never seemed anxious about his reputation. Instead, he looked people straight in the eye and loved them. He just accepted them.