Saint Thomas, commenting on this verse, notes that the person with paralysis symbolizes a “sinner lying in sin, trapped by the sin, unable to move toward the healing power of God. The people choose to accompany the person with paralysis, giving them good advice and leading them to God’s healing grace and mercy.” Bishop Barron says this story affirms God’s forgiveness and healing power. “Even though we are sinners, even though we are hopeless in our hatred and stupidity, even though we had gone (and would still go today) to the limits of killing God’s son, God still loves us and forgives us. We know that nothing can separate us from God’s love because we hear in the greeting of the risen Jesus that every sin can be forgiven.” Have you ever felt weighed down or paralyzed by sin? Then you know that forgiveness is the permission and the power to rise and walk on. Pharisees were blind to the fact that Jesus and the Father were one. So, they missed the entire point of his statement. They missed the real healing, available right in front of them. We don’t have to. We can call on Jesus in our sins and weakness; his love will enable us to rise again.