“Lord, if you wish” Matthew 8:1

Deep inside authentic faith is the truth that God is the object of all human desire, no matter how earthy and unholy that desire may seem. Today’s verse from Matthew’s Gospel tells us that the Lord listens and responds to all that is asked within his covenantal promise and understanding of His will for humankind. Fr. Rolheiser writes that this implies that everything we desire is contained in God. “Do we really believe that God is the real object of our desires? When we look at all that is beautiful, full of life, attractive, sexually alluring, and pleasurable on earth, do we really think and believe that this is contained in an infinitely richer way inside of God and inside the life into which God invites us? Do we really believe that the joys of heaven will surpass the pleasures of earth and that, already in this world, the pleasures of virtue trump the sensations of sin? Do we really believe that faith will give us what we desire? Jesus promises that whatever we give up for what is higher will be returned to us one hundredfold. Knowing this, we should live our lives fully enjoying what is earthy and earthly. The beauties and pleasures of this life are a gift from God, meant to be enjoyed. But, by being aware of their source, we can be free enough to accept the very real limits that life puts on our desires. And better still, we need not fear death since what we lose will be trumped one-hundredfold by what we gain.”

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