The Our Father is, without any doubt, the most commented-on passage in all Holy Scripture. No wonder the prayer Jesus taught is so dear to Christian hearts. The early Christians, guided by the precepts of salvation and following the divine commandment, centered their prayer life on this sublime and simple form of words given to them by Jesus. And the last Christians will certainly raise their hearts to say the Our Father for the last time when they are on the point of being taken to heaven. In the meantime, from childhood to death, the Our Father is a prayer that fills us with hope and consolation. Jesus fully realized how helpful this prayer would be to us. We are grateful to him for giving it to us, the apostles for passing it on to us, and our parents, especially our mothers, for teaching it to us in our infancy. St Augustine says that the Lord’s Prayer is so perfect that it sums up everything a person needs to ask God for in a few words. Let us, therefore, humbly petition the Lord with this prayer as we begin each day, centered on the One who is the great I AM.