Curtis Mitch writes that in the face of the many problems in the world—violence, materialism, poverty, moral relativism—Jesus challenges us to ask, “What can I do to share God’s love in the world?” Christians are called to be light to the world, and the world will be impacted for better or for worse by the way we live our lives. When we as Christians fail to be saints and live the beatitudes and be light, the world suffers. But when we imitate Christ’s love, mercy, and generosity, the world will see our good deeds and glorify our heavenly Father. St. John Chrysostom invites us to ponder what the world would be like if the entire Christian community lived in imitation of Christ: “Assuredly, there would be no heathen if we Christians took care to be what we ought to be; if we obeyed God’s precepts if we bore injuries without retaliation if when cursed we blessed if we rendered good for evil. For no man is so savage a wild beast that he would not run immediately to the worship of the true religion if he saw all Christians acting as I have said.” Jesus had his critics, as did St. Paul and those in the early church. And this continues even today as we see in the lives of people like Mother Teresa, who exemplified living the light and love of Christ to the world. Authentic Gospel living will ultimately shed its light as love conquers all.