Today’s scripture verse focuses on the “all-in” aspect of the widow’s giving. The Widows Offering story is well known, but we must ask ourselves what it would mean if we similarly gave to our faith community. Fr. Kevin O’Brien writes that to learn the lesson of generosity from the widow in today’s Gospel, we must first notice the widow, which may be the more significant challenge Jesus puts before us. In Jesus’ society, a widow—along with the poor, the child, the sick, the stranger, and the woman—was easily lost in the crowd. Those on the margins of society were overshadowed by the crowd of rich, powerful, and privileged persons. But Jesus notices the widow and sees what she is doing, tossing in her precious coins. Jesus makes the widow the center of attention. The one on the margin is brought to the center. Jesus creates a new way of looking at the world, religion, and one another. The widow challenges us to be more generous with our time, talent, and resources. Jesus challenges us to notice those easily overlooked. In the course of a day, do we see what those on the margins are doing? Do we hear what they are saying? Do we notice who is cleaning up after us, waiting on us, and laboring for us? Do we read about and delve into the plight of those on the edges of our life experience? What we see and hear depends on where we stand. So perhaps the first response to Jesus’ challenge is for us to stand in a different place, at the frontiers where Pope Francis calls us to venture. The view there may be unfamiliar and a little uncomfortable, but the widows and their friends await, ready to teach us something new from where they stand.