In 1994 Fr. Ron Rolheiser commented on the nature of Pentecost being blocked within the church because of those who will not move on to the Vatican II reforms or those who now want to return to the pre-Vatican II life. I am posting an adaptation of his comments as we still appear to be fighting to return to a pre-Vatican II church, which is theologically understood as the pre-ascended body of Christ. Fr. Rolheiser wrote: “For us to receive the Holy Spirit, we must, like the original disciples of Jesus, let the church we once knew give us its blessing and ascend to heaven so that we can receive the spirit for the ecclesial life that we are living. And this is not happening. Vatican II recognized the need to name a death and claim a resurrection, a new life. So this is our situation: We live in a post-Vatican II church, but the body of the pre-Vatican II church remains with us ungrieved, unreverenced, unascended, and unable to give us its blessing. And the atmosphere within the church precisely manifests this debilitating situation. What is evident from all of this is that we lack a fresh spirit and the Holy Spirit on both sides. Too little charity, joy, peace, patience, goodness, long-suffering, fidelity, mildness, faith, and chastity is left. We need a new pentecost. And that pentecost will happen only when all of us, liberals and conservatives alike, with deep reverence and love, let the old ascend and give us its blessing. But this will happen only when we understand the church of the past for what it was and is, the resurrected body of Christ, waiting to ascend, calling us to the Mount of the Ascension to impart its blessing.”