St. Catherine of Siena asks, “How do we show love to God who is in need of nothing?” We demonstrate that we love him through our neighbors. Jesus says three times to Peter, “Do you love me?” When Peter answered that Jesus knew very well that he loved him, Jesus then said, “If you love me, feed my little sheep.” It is as if Jesus was saying, “Here is how I will know whether you love me: if, since you cannot be of any service to me, you come to the aid of your neighbors, nurturing them and giving them your best efforts in true holy teaching.” To be affirmed is a human need. We are made to get and give love. Today’s interaction between Jesus and Peter connects to many people who long for that second chance. One of the lessons on love is hidden in the exchange between Jesus and Peter. Jesus assures us that God’s love is always both unmerited and unconditional. Nothing we do can make God love us, just as nothing can stop God from loving us. God loves just as God does everything else – perfectly.