The Gospel of Matthew recounts the story of Jesus rising from the dead, recognized as the Christ, the Messiah foretold by the prophets. The women who came to minister to the dead body of Jesus were startled. Something completely unexpected happens, something that changes their lives. Reflecting on the reading, Pope Francis says we often retract from God’s surprises for our lives. He notes that we often act as the Apostles, preferring to remain in the security of our present state, standing in front of the tomb, recalling the memory of the one that has passed on like so many other historical figures. Why are we so closed off to the newness that God offers us? Do we lack the confidence that God can change any circumstance? Do we not believe God can forgive any sin if we are open to his mercy and grace? Here is the reality of what the resurrection of Jesus meant, as stated by St. Paul: “If Jesus is not raised from the dead, our preaching is in vain, and we are the most pitiable of men.” In all that you can read and research, it all comes down to this: if Jesus was not raised from death, Christianity is a fraud and a joke. But if he did rise from death, then Christianity is the fullness of God’s revelation, and Jesus must be the absolute center of our lives. There is no third option.