“Because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’” – John 10:36

Looking at the world today, it is not easy to believe that everywhere Christ is born again, that God looks down on the wreckage and misery, the fiasco if you like, that we have made of the world, and, seeing us in the midst of it says, “This is my well-beloved Son!” Caryll Houselander writes that this is so, and however difficult or insignificant our life may seem, it is precious to God as Christ is precious to God. On each one in whom Christ lives, God’s infinite love is concentrated at every moment. If this were realized, there could be no one who could not fulfill the first condition of rest, which is trust. If it were not for Christ in us, we would be unable to trust. We are too weak and could not believe in God’s goodness if we had only ourselves to believe in; neither could we love one another if we had only ourselves to worship. We can trust God with Christ’s trust in the Father; that is the trust which is our rest. Our rest in a world that is full of unrest is Christ’s trust in his Father; our peace in a world without peace is our surrender, complete as the surrender of the sleeping child to its mother, of the Christ in us, to God who is both Father and Mother. 

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