Fr. Herbert McCabe in God, Christ, and Us writes that it is hard to think of God but easy to think of the gods. If God were one of the gods, a powerful, the most powerful, inhabitant of the universe, then if we did what he decided we should indeed not be doing what we decided. We should be his puppets, manipulated from outside by another being. But God is not an inhabitant of the universe. He is not another being alongside us and competing with us. God the Creator is the author of the entire universe and of all that is in it. He is so far outside it that he is in every bit of it while not himself being a bit of it. He is not one of the beings. He is within every being keeping it in being. He is within you making you to be you. What you do freely you do from the depth within you that is yourself. But you also do it from the even greater depth within you that is God making you to be yourself. There are things in our universe that are not free but are always moved by other things. And there are things like ourselves that are sometimes not determined by other creatures but are free. But God is the author of them all.