We celebrate the feast of St. Joseph today. I am drawn to the very human predicament presented to Him. He has met the girl he has chosen to spend his life with, and during the betrothal period, this woman he has given his heart to betrays him. The character of the man is that even in this troubled state, he chose to divorce her quietly. The most fantastic aspect of Joseph’s story is his “yes” to God. Like Mary’s “yes” to God, it is foundational in bringing Christ into the world. Edward Hahnenberg writes that when a friend wounds you, it can seem impossible to forgive. Keep in mind Joseph never gets definitive proof that Mary is innocent. Instead, he chooses to trust. Joseph decides to let go of whatever hurt, doubt, or grievances he is entitled to carry. Had he not, had he instead held onto these things, bearing a grudge against Mary, it would have poisoned their life together. Instead, Joseph found liberation in letting go. Bishop Robert Barron notes that Joseph realized these puzzling events were part of God’s much higher plan. “Joseph was willing to cooperate with the divine plan, though he in no way knew its contours or deepest purposes. Like Mary at the annunciation, he trusted and let himself be led.”