“As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God” – Psalm 42:2

The psalmist today speaks to a longing for God. Fr. Ron Rolheiser writes that everything that is beautiful and attractive, however earthy and sexual, is contained inside of God. God is the creator of all that is beautiful, attractive, colorful, sexual, witty, brilliant, and intelligent. All that we are attracted to on this earth, including the beauty that allures us sexually, is found inside of God, and our attraction and longing for it here on earth are, in the end, a longing for God. But we never really understand this. If we did, we would, like the saints and mystics of old, become obsessed with God instead of being obsessed only with what we find attractive here on earth. Some of us are obsessed with beauty, some of us are obsessed with finding a soulmate, some of us are obsessed with sex, some of us are obsessed with truth, some of us are obsessed with justice, and some of us are obsessed with the energy, color, and pleasures of this world. But very few of us are obsessed, or even much interested, in God, who is the author of beauty, sexuality, intimacy, truth, justice, energy, color, and pleasure. Why aren’t we more interested in the One of which these things are only a pale reflection?

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