We, the people, the Church, and the world, are not the owners of this vineyard; we are tenants. As tenants, we are entrusted with caring for the vineyard, but everything we have as humans is on loan. Our lives are not about us. Nature, not just humanity, is being redeemed by Christ. The world has intrinsic meaning and value beyond what it means for us as humans. That means that nature has inherent rights, not just the rights we find convenient to accord it. That means that defacing or abusing nature is not just a legal and environmental issue; it’s a moral issue. We are violating someone’s intrinsic rights. Our relationship to mother-earth and the universe is the non-negotiable fact that the quest for community and consummation within God’s Kingdom (our journey towards heaven) is a quest that calls us not just to a proper relationship with God and with each other but also to a right relationship with physical creation. We are humans with bodies living on the earth, not disembodied angels living in heaven, and Christ came to save our bodies and souls. He came, as well, to save the physical ground upon which we walk since he was the same pattern upon which and through which the physical world was created.