“Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” – Matthew 17:4

An introductory scriptural statement often repeated by scholars of Jesus is that his mission was the fulfillment of Old Testament revelation. The symbolism of the Transfiguration has Moses representing the law, Elijah representing the prophets, and Jesus representing the fulfillment of what they said. Bishop Robert Barron explains that God gave the Torah, the law, to his people so that they might become a priestly people, a holy nation, a people set apart, in the hopes that they would then function as a sort of magnet to the rest of the world. But the law didn’t take. From the beginning, the people turned away from its dictates, becoming as bad as the nations around them. And then the prophets. Repeatedly we hear the call to be faithful to the Torah and follow the Lord’s ways. The prophets constantly turn on Israel, reminding her of her sinfulness. And then came Jesus, God, and man. Jesus did what no hero of Judaism had ever done. He fulfilled the law and remained utterly obedient to the demands of the Father, even to the point of laying down his life. He brought the Torah and the prophets thereby to fulfillment.

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